A very common question every nutritionist and fitness guru gets constantly asked is, if I want to lose weight, how many calories should I eat? So let´s commence with the basics…
What are calories?
Calories is the amount of energy that the body receives with the full absorption of food. If a person does not spend this energy as a result of a chemical reaction, it is converted into fat.
How many calories should I eat to lose weight?
The amount of calories you need to consume depends on your gender, age, and physical activity. The least calories are consumed by women who weigh little and have a sedentary lifestyle (on average, about two thousand calories). Men should consume a little more than 2.5 thousand calories. Interestingly, at the age of 20-35 years, people lead the most active lifestyle, so they need maximum food before and after consumption is reduced. That is, a woman over 50 years old, will have to eat about 1600 calories per day, if she is slim, so as not to gain weight again.
How to keep track of the number of calories I consume?
Previously, everyone used to count calories by utilizing tables, but now thanks to the Internet and apps around there, we have a full range of calorie calculators and applications for smartphones to calculate the cherished numbers. Always remember, that it´s not just about the amount of calories you need to consume, but also the macro components (right amounts of proteins/fats/carbs) depending on your goal.
Tips to lose weight without starving
– Eat several times a day. Women tend to incur in a big mistake when they think that the solution is to either eat ridiculous small amounts of foods or just fast as much as possible. A starving organism perceives any food as a reserve, which should be put off for a rainy day. To lose weight, you need to ensure you are boosting your metabolism, forcing it to act as actively as possible. In order to do this, it is recommend to have breakfast, lunch and dinner (including two snacks in between) throughout the day. Now remember, it is essential that you fill these calories with as much nutritious foods as possible from a variety of food groups the majority of time. An organism that does not feel hunger does not accumulate excess fat.
– Get enough sleep! People tend to underestimate the power and benefits of an appropriate sleep (7-8 hours). Vital energy and effective weight loss depend on how well your body rests and whether it has a chance to recover during sleep. Poor sleep adversely affects health – a sleepy person is more likely to eat more during the day to fill in the missing energy.
-Variety- Increase the amount of food at the expense of vegetables, fruits, water, etc. – thus, there will be more food, and its caloric content will be less. Often cook porridge on water (buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, etc.): they swell at the expense of water and significantly increase the volume of servings. Add more non-starchy vegetables (tomatoes, carrots, cabbage, onions, sweet peppers) to the dishes. These will ensure you get the proper amount of your macro nutrition components that will speed the weight loss journey!
– Portion Sizes- Be mindful of your portion sizes when it comes higher calorie foods such as protein, fats and carbs. However, feel free to fuel your plates with vegetables and fibers which are so important for a proper weight lose diet.
– Get rid of excess water- For express weight loss at 1.5-2 kilograms, you can use a dandelion root or horsetail grass. These herbs are a strong natural diuretic, they should be taken in 12 drops of tincture per cup of warm water two or three times a day. Do not exceed the dose, otherwise, the body expects unpleasant consequences.
-Motivation- Motivation is the strongest stimulus, so tell yourself why you need to lose weight. Perhaps it makes sense to take a picture in a bathing suit or try on old clothes. Take care of the visualization. Think about how slim you will become, imagine your future appearance. Your WHY will be the fuel that will enable you to remain consistent throughout the whole process!
– Avoid refined foods. In nature, it is designed so that everything that contains a complex of carbohydrates, also contains vitamins B and E and fiber. B vitamins are involved in carbohydrate metabolism, and fiber slows their absorption; so when you eat whole grains, your body gets the vitamins necessary for carbohydrate metabolism. At the same time, you also get fiber, which contributes to a normal stool and a healthy bowel. Refined, purified products do not possess any of the listed properties.
-Eat dairy products.- Women who eat low-fat dairy products 3-4 times a day burn 70% more fat. Calcium causes the body to burn excess fat faster, and 1,200 mg of calcium should be consumed daily. Just taking calcium tablets is almost useless. The best result is the consumption of dairy products.
– Eat fish- Those who regularly eat fish and seafood have a reduced level of the hormone leptin, which is closely associated with slow metabolism and obesity. Try 3-4 times a week to eat fatty fish: salmon, tuna and others.
– Drink green tea- The green hour not only helps to fight carcinogenic substances, but it also has the ability to speed up metabolism. According to studies, people drinking green tea 3 times a day, accelerate their metabolism by 4%, which translates into burning an extra 60 calories a day. In a year, thus, you can lose about 3 kilograms.